Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year Resolution #1- Stop living for stuff

Recently I realized that I probably was creating an addiction to shopping. I'm not talking jokingly, I'm completely serious. I would spend HOURS a day shopping! That's how I spent every moment I possibly could! It gave me happiness- or so I thought. But recently, I've begun weeding out my stuff and being very aware about where I spend my money and what I bring into my space. And I realized- I have so much more time!

Before I would just shop to fill up time and space- because I felt empty inside. I felt as though I needed STUFF to make me happy. But it was the exact STUFF that was making me miserable and giving me way too much anxiety!

While I can't do much about my roommate's stuff, (unfortunately) I can downsize mine. So far I've gotten rid of two whole garbage bags of clothes, (I still have a full closet to go through at my parents too...) and a whole box of makeup. And yes- to answer your question- it feels amazingly free.

For the first time in months, I went out shopping with my best friend (she's a shopping addict too- takes one to know one, right?!) and I bought.. NOTHING. And believe it or not, I actually felt BETTER than I would've if I had bought something.

Starting January 1, 2015, I am going on a "No-Spending Spree" for 30 days. No, this idea isn't new or mine, it's been floating around on Pinterest for quite a while. But it'll be a crazy hard challenge for me- a shopping addict. Here are the rules I'm planning on adhering to:
1) No eating out (this includes fast food and sit down restaurants)
2) No buying extras (NOTHING extra, I have everything I need)
3) Sticking to ONLY necessities
4) No online window shopping (THIS IS GOING TO KILL ME)

This will be incredibly hard for me- but I need to do it for multiple reasons.
1) To keep steering  toward minimalism (or at the very least- needing less)
2) To save money (I'm sure I'll save AT LEAST $150 this coming month- but I'll let you know.)
3) To develop dedication and self control
4) To have extra time to focus on what truly matters
5) Getting one step closer to having my own place

Wish me luck, I'll need it.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Out With the Old- For Good!

Well, it's that time of year again. Shocking isn't it? Seems to be flying faster and faster every year! And because of that, I've been researching minimalism. What's minimalism you might ask? Basically a simpler way of living-with more time to focus on what truly matters. Sounds great doesn't it? That's exactly what I'm thinking! I've compiled a list of some things I want to accomplish this coming year:

1) Pay off my credit card debt
2) Graduate from college. I'm so close!
3) Move into my OWN place WITHOUT a roommate!
4) Finally start focusing on my health. (And hydrate well- I turn 21 this year... Oh boy!)
5) Take a yoga class
6) Complete the 52 week money saving challenge
7) Volunteer
8) Get back into learning languages- I really love learning languages
9) Read more books

I'm starting to realize that having more in life isn't about having more stuff, it's about having more of the good stuff. (I.e. strong relationships, healthy bodies, strong minds, helping others...) So that's what I want to do this coming year- have more of the good stuff. 

So I started tonight, Christmas Eve, realizing that it's not about the stuff it's about the good stuff. And I'm truly enjoying every minute of it.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a goodnight.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Roommates Suck. PERIOD.

So let me tell you a bit of a back story of how I came to this conclusion... This is the third roommate that I've had. And it is NOT easy living with someone. NOT AT ALL. So if you're thinking, "Oh I'll just move out of my parents house and in with a roommate to save some money while I finish school," DON'T. And here's why:

Current roommate: Jessica (I've changed her name here for security purposes.)  
I went to elementary school with her and we've since then remained on friendly terms. Well, I was needing to move out and she was needing a roommate.. Great, right?! She gave me this sob story about how her grandpa was dying and she's having to pay for his nursing home fees and working three jobs and blah blah blah. So being any decent human being, I said, "Well I'll move in with you for 6 months, and we'll re-evaluate there. I'll help with SOME of the house work and bills and we can save up money." All fine and dandy. Well, to start, when I first moved in the house looked like.. you left a 5 year old to fend for themselves with 20 dollars attached to their shirt. It was DISGUSTING. I cleaned and cleaned and scrubbed and scrubbed for DAYS until I finally moved in. All was great. 

Until her boyfriend happened. (Boys are great- but they do something awful to us girls when we fall in love with them.. they make us.. stupidly crazy!) He's a great guy and treats her wonderful and I couldn't be happier that she's found someone amazing! He really is the best thing that's happened to her in a long time. Well soon she starts spending ALL her time with him. Days on end. And that's when it got bad... I was constantly being a mother to both of them (doing their laundry, cleaning their dirty dishes, feeding her cat, doing her cat's litter box, etc.) I realized that just couldn't happen any more, so I sat down with both of them and asked them to be cleaner and to pitch in more with the bills and such. The next thing you know it, they've disappeared for a week and changed both of their phone numbers. (Real mature guys. Real mature.) So I'm left all by myself (which wasn't bad at all might I add) except for me taking care of her cat.. But it's a cat. I can't be too mad. Next thing I know, she's back and the house is TRASHED. I can't keep up with it. I'm loosing my mind. Today, I walked in.. and instead of her taking the trash out like a normal adult would, she just grabs another garbage bag and puts it next to the trash can. She also has been known to leave bacon and cheese out on the counter for days.. gross. It's just the little things really. 

The cleanliness is annoying, but I can deal with it. What I can't deal with is loud sex. I'm talking loud guys. And shameless. The other night I walked out into the living room at 10pm to let the dog out... And THEY'RE HAVING SEX ON THE COUCH. I couldn't even. I've tried thinking of any excuse for them to do that. But they knew I was home (she had come to talk to me), they KNOW I let the dog out every night before I go to bed, I just can't for the life of me find a good excuse for her! 

These are just two reasons why roommates suck. But here's a quick list to keep you from living with a roommate. Trust me guys. Not worth it. 
1) Cleanliness. As mentioned above. Need I say more?
2) Sex. You can't have sex without feeling awkward. They have sex and you feel awkward. 
3) Food. No way is a good way. You buy your own, or you share. Either way it's just not good.
4) Pets. You'll probably end up taking care of their pets. (I.e. buying food, cleaning up messes.. etc)
5) Being short on money. Did I mention my internet got shut off because she couldn't afford her half?
6) Bathrooms. You have to wait for someone else to use the bathroom and leave it a mess. Constantly. 
7) Laundry. You have to wait for someone else to finish washing their clothes before you can start. Annoying.
8) People having parties. Your roommate will eventually want a party while you're trying to study for finals. It happens every time. 
9) Sleep. It's very hard to sleep when you hear them having sex, partying, watching loud movies...
10) Having people over. You always have to ask permission. (If you're a nice person. My roommates rarely do.) 
11) Dealing with someone else's S.O. Sure they love them, but do you have to? No. 

Keep coming back to see other roommate experiences and why it's just so much better to make the extra money than deal with someone awful. 
