Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Out With the Old- For Good!

Well, it's that time of year again. Shocking isn't it? Seems to be flying faster and faster every year! And because of that, I've been researching minimalism. What's minimalism you might ask? Basically a simpler way of living-with more time to focus on what truly matters. Sounds great doesn't it? That's exactly what I'm thinking! I've compiled a list of some things I want to accomplish this coming year:

1) Pay off my credit card debt
2) Graduate from college. I'm so close!
3) Move into my OWN place WITHOUT a roommate!
4) Finally start focusing on my health. (And hydrate well- I turn 21 this year... Oh boy!)
5) Take a yoga class
6) Complete the 52 week money saving challenge
7) Volunteer
8) Get back into learning languages- I really love learning languages
9) Read more books

I'm starting to realize that having more in life isn't about having more stuff, it's about having more of the good stuff. (I.e. strong relationships, healthy bodies, strong minds, helping others...) So that's what I want to do this coming year- have more of the good stuff. 

So I started tonight, Christmas Eve, realizing that it's not about the stuff it's about the good stuff. And I'm truly enjoying every minute of it.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a goodnight.

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