Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Year Resolution #1- Stop living for stuff

Recently I realized that I probably was creating an addiction to shopping. I'm not talking jokingly, I'm completely serious. I would spend HOURS a day shopping! That's how I spent every moment I possibly could! It gave me happiness- or so I thought. But recently, I've begun weeding out my stuff and being very aware about where I spend my money and what I bring into my space. And I realized- I have so much more time!

Before I would just shop to fill up time and space- because I felt empty inside. I felt as though I needed STUFF to make me happy. But it was the exact STUFF that was making me miserable and giving me way too much anxiety!

While I can't do much about my roommate's stuff, (unfortunately) I can downsize mine. So far I've gotten rid of two whole garbage bags of clothes, (I still have a full closet to go through at my parents too...) and a whole box of makeup. And yes- to answer your question- it feels amazingly free.

For the first time in months, I went out shopping with my best friend (she's a shopping addict too- takes one to know one, right?!) and I bought.. NOTHING. And believe it or not, I actually felt BETTER than I would've if I had bought something.

Starting January 1, 2015, I am going on a "No-Spending Spree" for 30 days. No, this idea isn't new or mine, it's been floating around on Pinterest for quite a while. But it'll be a crazy hard challenge for me- a shopping addict. Here are the rules I'm planning on adhering to:
1) No eating out (this includes fast food and sit down restaurants)
2) No buying extras (NOTHING extra, I have everything I need)
3) Sticking to ONLY necessities
4) No online window shopping (THIS IS GOING TO KILL ME)

This will be incredibly hard for me- but I need to do it for multiple reasons.
1) To keep steering  toward minimalism (or at the very least- needing less)
2) To save money (I'm sure I'll save AT LEAST $150 this coming month- but I'll let you know.)
3) To develop dedication and self control
4) To have extra time to focus on what truly matters
5) Getting one step closer to having my own place

Wish me luck, I'll need it.


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