Friday, January 2, 2015

No Spend Month Days 1 and 2 (Or as I said often, "SHIT!")

Day 1: 
Well, I realized I'm addicted to consumerism. BUT it was taught to me by the ULTIMATE consumer- my dad. My dad will buy things just to buy things. When I grew up, Saturday and Sunday were shopping days. EVERY WEEK. And I'm not talking a couple of things from the grocery store- I'm talking hours upon hours at JCPenny, Sears, Bed Bath and Beyond, Best Buy, etc. And wanna know what we were buying? New stuff to replace the old stuff that we had just bought about a year ago! And that's how it's been. Every weekend, of every year, and on any of our days off.

Well, yesterday was no different! I do have to admit- I bought one thing. But it was for the blog and to do a review and I really did need it. But let me tell you- it was freaking hard. Here's how my day went as compared to normal:

Wake up and roll over- think about money and all the things I "need" to buy. Realize I can't because of a No-Spend Challenge aka "SHIT! Ughhh..." 

Check phone and mom has called, asking me to join them for breakfast. Politely decline and say I'm trying to not eat out this month to save money and lose weight- offend mom slightly. (SHIT! Number two.) 

Get ready for day, realize I need something from the store and off to grab it! Let's note that I literally grabbed the ONE item and proceeded to checkout. I looked at nothing else. I was proud!

Head to my parents house to use their internet (remember that post about my roommate?! Still bitter.) and sister convinces me to take her to Barnes and Noble.  Let us also note that I didn't buy anything! I did however, look at a few books. 

After dinner- dad asks me to go buy the family ice cream. He paid. Who says no to free ice cream?! 

Spend two and a half hours online "Shopping" for cruises. Old habits die hard, right?! 

Total "extra" spent on day 1: $25 (you'll find out later what it was)

Day 2:
Today I completed the challenge correctly! I bought nothing extra! (I did rent my college books for this next term.. but that's a necessity at this point.) In fact, I spent the afternoon babysitting so I made money instead of spent it! Yay me!

Total spent day two: $0 YAY!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your no spend challenge. I've started mine for 21 days of no spending and no credit cards and limited to only necessities.
